Superheroes Vlieg Net Saans
18th June 2015
‘n Goeie dag vir Boomklim
19th October 2015Melly, Mrs Ho and Me
When April-May February wins a bursary to a posh school -Trinity College, she has no idea that she is about to meet her nemesis –the uptight, rule-obsessed Mrs Ho. Suddenly the future looks bleak- homework must be handed in on time, proper school uniform must be worn, vampire novels must not be read in class –that is, unless April-May can find a way to stop Mrs Ho in her tracks. So begins a power-struggle that will see Trinity College become a battleground & suck in the people April-May loves the most –her permanently horrified father, Fluffy and her new best friend, the mouth-breather Melly
9 in stock
ISBN: 9780143026495
SKU: BX0610
Categories: Books / Boeke, Children / Kinders, English Storybooks, On Special, Storybooks (9+)
Tag: Edyth Bulbring