Animal Tales #1
22nd January 2024
Wonder: The Natural History Museum Poetry Book
22nd January 2024Animal Tales #3
Animal tales 3 is the third in a series of animal stories compiled by G.R. von Wielligh. These stories were gathered by Von Wielligh from the Khoikhoi people and are some of the oldest animal stories known in South Africa. The illustrations of Dale Blankenaar give new life to the antics of these animals. In Animal tales 3 we meet new animal charaters such as Tiger, Crocodile and Rabbit. Poor Wolf still suffers under the hand and tricks of Jackal and is often outwitted by Jackal.
3 in stock
ISBN: 9781869196943
SKU: BX5973
Categories: Books / Boeke, Children / Kinders, English Storybooks, Storybooks (9+)
Tag: G.R. von Wielligh