Bomani Meerkat en Vriende Inkleurboek
19th June 2020
Leer my Lees (Vlak 2#1) – Tippie en die Boom
23rd June 2020Bomani Meerkat – The Two Jealous Meerkats
Something terrible has happened in the Kalahari – the meerkats are fighting amongst themselves, and they are no longer one big happy family. What will Brave Bomani do to restore peace in the family? Join him for some new adventures. You will meet up with with a n old friend, Thandi, but also a new one, Makhaya Badger. Then there is the thieving Fork-tailed Drongo – read how Bomani deals with him.
5 in stock
ISBN: 9781920593162
SKU: BX2426
Categories: Books / Boeke, Children / Kinders, English Storybooks, Storybooks (6+)