Dagboek van ‘n Wimpy Kid #9 – Hardepad
21st August 2018
Dog Diaries #1
24th August 2018Pete Twiddlefeet and the Heart on his Sleeve
Murry & Me idiom series is a delightful resource to help children cross the bridge from concrete to abstract thoughts.
Adults seldom carry their hearts on their sleeves. They prefer to hide it, keeping secrets. Children, on the other hand, bravely and honestly show how they feel. When exactly do we become so self-conscious about our inner lives? At what moment do we decide to put up our shields and hide our hearts away.
Read how Pete proudly decides to wear his heart on his sleeve.
1 in stock
ISBN: 9780620768399
SKU: BX4126
Categories: Books / Boeke, Children / Kinders, English Storybooks, On Special, Storybooks (6+)
Tag: Milan Murray