InvestiGators #4: Ants in our P.A.N.T.S.
26th November 2022
Fundi saves the day (StoryWise Kids Series)
27th November 2022Pula Saves the Pandas (StoryWise Kids Series)
Do you want your child to be good with money one day? In this book, Pule Saves the Pandas, Doug Lockhart uses the power of storytelling to introduce key principles of wealth creation. So, now you can introduce important lessons about money and saving while you are reading to your little ones. This heart-warming story also has so many wonderful life lessons to share with them. At the back of the book there are activity pages that explain simple, yet powerful money insights that will help your child build the right money habits from a young age. Research by the University of Cambridge has shown that our financial habits are set between the ages of zero and seven! This book helps develop a child’s literacy skills, and their financial literacy skills all in one read. A wonderful concept for a child’s book that’s been brilliantly executed.
“This book is filled with valuable lessons. I would highly recommend this it.” – Karen
“Wonderful story with a very important lesson! I loved this book!” – Shanita
“So many wonderful lessons to be unpacked in this beautifully illustrated book. Great book!” – Prince
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